Thursday, March 10, 2011

Feminism - A different lens to view through…..

           I know, I owe an explanation for not blogging for the last three weeks…. it’s simple; my work kept me busy. It was a different kind of writing though; I did my first “business plan” – an exhaustive thirty pages, another amazing experience. Now let me come to what I want to share today: FEMINISM. I’m sure you must be wondering what happened to me to write about feminism. It’s odd that a guy like me who grew up in 98% men only environment (1st to 12th standard in boys school, then engineering in mechanical, not even a single girl) to even think about feminism. I should admit that my opinion about feminism was negative. My image about a feminist was something like a tough, arrogant, cut throat idealist lady who would give a five hour long sermon on women’s rights and how badly the world is designed by men for men.  But that has changed, thanks for my friend who gave me a ‘different lens to view’ feminism.

                All of us think of feminism as a relatively new concept, at least I did. But a little research into the subject and it amazed me – 15th  Century Venetian born feminist Christine de Pizan…… good lord..…FIFTEENTH CENTURY!!!  I now understand feminism as a school of thought, aimed at creating a welfare society – where men and women completely complement each other. Domination of any sort – social – economic – political – cultural – is and should be a crime. Let me tell you what Plato's Symposium tells about man and women.

                “In the beginning men and women were stuck back to back and it’s said that they lived very happily. They were so happy and complete that the gods themselves felt jealous. Then one day gods decided to split humans into two, and this they did using thunder – and we humans became two, became man and woman.”  This is my adaptive narration.  My point is, for us (men) to feel complete, to actualize our true self, to realize the ultimate we need our better half (women). And naturally, ladies, you too need us… please don’t pretend. Coming back to the core idea, feminism is a matter of perspective.  It’s about how you see the women around you – don’t limit it to your mom, siblings, friends, colleagues etc. It should be on a broad spectrum – about how you see womanhood. Today in this blog, I am sharing my realization with you……feminism in its motive will only definitely make us more civilized. We men have a feeling that we are better, and in fact we are told by society that we men are supposed to dominate women. I must admit that my interest in human cognition has taught me that men are physically and instinctively strong (after all we used to be hunters); women are emotionally and physiologically better (they had the great responsibility of cradling civilization). We should understand and respect the fact that men and women are meant to complement each other and that one is not superior or inferior to the other. So my dear guys next time when you get that raw, animal instinct to dominate a woman (socially – economically – politically – culturally) – give it a second thought.  She is your better half and we need each other to be complete. Give her what she wants - acceptance, that will work wonders for you. ( I am yet to know )

                I am not sure about my blog tomorrow, got lots to share…any way I will be posting without fail. 


Unknown said...

Feminism is both an intellectual commitment and a political movement that seeks justice for women and the end of sexism in all forms.The term itself is debatable as different feminists have different views. to those who have limited knowledge on the term feminism, think beyond...there were and there are men and women who through their writings and thoughts have reflected the same. Michael foucault was a feminist...Amartya Sen is a feminist economist...feminism is not just about how man and woman need each pvt sphere of life...not how both should acknowledge each other's importance...that is just 1%...its about power relations in the gender sphere...i call it gender not sexual sphere.

By birth apart from the physical structures a child whether a baby boy or girl are the same, i call it gender because that is a social construction...a term which connotes what is masculine and feminine and a child is brought up with those notions in mind. Though one may deny it, if one probes deeply into this statement then many a thing will unfold.

Right from the age i was 10 i saw gender difference not sexual parents who are part of the society tend to ask me not to laugh loudly, by 14 I am told i am impure, I should mend my 17 i lose my very freedom to have a voice...i need escorts to go anywhere even in morning...i go to public places and i face sexual harassment, in the bus, in railway station, in public places...i become an object though the opposite sex might deny the same...the body image is what which forms my identity.

An average married woman in India experience wife beatings, dowry issues, frown when she is divorced and thought of as easily available. She is raped and molested, she is trafficked, my research shows she is prostituted by her own father, brother or husband or a name sake the lens of feminism sees these issues in the pvt and public sphere and it says personal is political and vice versa...feminism then calls for removal of sexism from the sphere of life...equality...people think they are given reservation in LSG's, parliament, separate queque in stations and theatres...separate seating...but that is not stark reality of life...

Its about the constructed body image...In all spheres of life the gaps which are visible...i will tell you the life of a typical working woman...she wakes up by 5 does all work at home...husband will wake up and read that time she gets ready for work, sends children to school...evening the typical routine comes...what one needs to think is about gender father thinks cooking, washing, looking after children is a woman's job, how this notion came about...because of gender roles which were constructed. She lives a life of less identity...a second sex no matter what the opposite sex claim...deconstruct the thoughts...then it shows.

Above all what feminism demands is not women superiority but equality...a right to take birth and not to get subject to foeticide, a right to exercise choice about marriage and not succumb to honour killings, a right to decent life and not marred by domestic violence, rape or sexual harassment...not to be subjected to gang rapes when communal violence breaks have a safe childhood...good education to the limit she the only person who is pursuing higher education in my neighbourhood...can one believe that...after struggles...a right to leisure and aaram...a right to be recognised for the housework not by sexual or emotionally patting and back up, rather by taking a share...there is nothing like a complete woman's job or man's birth to a baby and feeding her is the duty of a woman. But not that all what comes later is her job. What feminism talks is addressing power relations among the gender...exception in both the sex is there but what one needs to think is stark reality of a everyday life of an average woman.