Thursday, January 27, 2011

It takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it ! ! !

              Trust – a five letter word that has so much emotion and sentiments attached to it.  It’s strange that we are so vulnerable when we trust someone but paradoxically, if we cannot trust we’ll never be able to understand, appreciate and then to achieve anything in life.  Trust – same time your strength and weakness, like the cliché phrase goes: pulling one drags another.  Many a times in a relationship this factor matters the most. Yeah, you can say “ It’s not trust but – love, compassion, understanding, caring, etc, etc . . . ."  but let me ask you,  in the absence of trust can any of the said factors flourish ? Trust is the essential basement on which any kind of relationship is built on.  Well why this lecture on trust…….we all know what it is, isn’t?

              Let me get on with my confession. Last two days I was home. A particular incident occurred that kept me thinking where I stand in terms of earning and keeping trust.  I happened to wound the trust of a very dear friend, in fact not just a friend, a soul mate I should say – who stood with me through the most difficult times of my life so far. I had secretly tucked some chapters of my life away from my friend: intentionally.  But it was in no way meant to hurt or hide anything,  just to avoid a few moments of unpleasant talk.  Now when I look back I feel guilty, shouldn’t have done that.  I’m sure all of you will be having such an experience.  Only if I had the courage to . . . . .

              So my dear readers have courage to drink the sour wine to keep your trust intact, short cut getaways will land you in trouble. You keeping other’s trust won’t paint the complete picture; there is one more shade involved: what you go through when your trust is betrayed. When your very concept about the person you care comes crashing down on you. When all that trust you gave meant nothing, when you bluntly realize one day that all the effort you had taken, all the time you had spent, all those sacrifices you made……..was just going down the drain. The moment you realize that your trust is being betrayed, all that you held dear to your heart about that person – be it your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, boss…….whomever it may be……you will need great strength to live through that moment. I had many, many, many such instances in my life. A quick rewind says I have not done a good job. I questioned myself to find out what the root cause is, and I think I got it….May be that’s my single greatest flaw. I know you are eager to know what it is……sure will tell you all, in my tomorrow’s post. 


Unknown said...

Trust is that component of life which makes any relationship going and growing...with trust comes all other emotions...when one destroys that trust...if that person is someone who was of real concern to pains...its like you do not cry but feel like whole ground is shaking...the heart grieves as if someone pierced a knife into it...yes storms are avoided...everything looks normal but pain lingers...especially when trust breaks again and again and still you cling on to the subject in an optimistic way...this is because some emotions surpass trust levels...